Die Hymne unserer Bewegung

Wir von Make Life Better wollen Dich inspirieren und gleichzeitig auffordern, den Mut aufzubringen Du selbst zu sein. Weil es der Mut ist, der am Anfang des Handelns steht, Glück am Ende! Wir freuen uns, Dir in Kürze die einzelnen Geschichten welche uns zum Handeln bewegt haben in Text und Video Form präsentieren zu können. Bleib also auf jeden Fall dran, denn es lohnt sich zu hören, wie groß die Veränderung für jeden Einzelnen von uns ist, seit wir gemeinsam in Madeira dieses Herzens-Projekt ins Rollen gebracht haben.

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Tom Stevens

I do believe in everything we do
In times of trouble I know we´ll make it through
with you on my side I can never lose
we got the power lets start to move

Sometimes we may stumble just along our way
But we don’t hesitate always knowing where we stand
We are all on fire to cross the finish line
what we expect we soon will get might take some time

Make life better this is what we all just need
There so many things we´re gonna change
so we finally can breathe
Make life better and its now or never
we´ll take the chance
live for what we stand
Make a better life for everyone

I know that it aint easy to reach our final goal
But I can feel the power I see your heart and soul
The world outside gets colder I am you guiding light
We´re flying through the Galaxy
it all seems worth the fight

We never walk alone with worries in our heart
There´s nothing in this universe could tear this dream apart
When you need to get back your faith you know how
R u ready for this journey? Lets go the time is now!

Live every day like it would be the last
Go your own way, always try your best
You can succeed if you really do believe
don’t let anybody take away your dreams
See better with the heart instead of your eyes
It’s all about truth rather hate and lies
We all have to learn to trust each other
We got to start to care for one another
Around the world everybody should hear
a new age dawning we will stop all fear
On this ground of gold our future be the matter
Yeah all of you we gonna make life better

Make life better this is what we all just need
There so many things we´re gonna change
so we finally can breathe
Make life better and its now or never
we´ll take the chance
live for what we stand
Make a better life for everyone

Songlyrics english

Songlyrics english

Tom Stevens

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wird in den nächsten Tagen
hier eingefügt.

Songtext deutsch

Songtext deutsch

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